What Pet Should You Get? (1) Have you ever wondered what pet you should get? Take this quiz to find out! :D The_Cute_Cheetah_Girl published on July 30, 2015 Stacked 1/7 Do you want it to sleep with you at night? Yes, I love cuddly animals! No! It stays in a cage! Sometimes. Never, but I don't want it in a cage. 2/7 Do you want a pet with fur? YES! FLUFFY!! I don't mind either way. No. NO WAY. 3/7 Do you care if it sheds? YES! Fur everywhere! Eww! No. Not at all! Yes. I want it to have fur, but not shed. 4/7 Do you want to be able to touch/hold your pet? No, eww, animals are gross. I don't care either way. YES! Or else it's just boring to have a pet! You have to be able to pet it! 5/7 How much time do you have for a pet? Almost none Some A lot! It depends. 6/7 How much are you willing to spend on a pet? Anything to make it happy! A lot, but not way too much. Not much. Almost none at all! 7/7 How much are you willing to clean up after it? As much cleaning as it needs! I don't have much time to clean. None at all!