What type of metabolism do u have?

What type of metabolism do u have?

this quiz is to test if u have high metabolism(like me), low metabolism, or average metabolism.

published on June 21, 2014

How easily do you get hot?

How easily do you get hot?
Very easily...I BURN!!!!
I don't get hot very easily.
I barley ever get hot. I'm quite cold actually.

How fast do your nails grow?

How fast do your nails grow?
Speedy.... like Lightning McQueen!
My nails grow slow....Like a snail!
My nails are in the middle

What is your response to food?

What is your response to food?
Food? my favorite!!!!
Sorry....I'm full
O.k. I'll take some

Which type of metabolism do you think you have?

I'm pretty sure I have high
I feel pretty low
probably average, I think.

Are you...

Are you...
a little chubby
Flat Stanley
average weight