what type of drawer are you? idk what type of quiz to do so...you guys do whatever the heck you want and let's see what type of drawer you are :D ignore the bad parts this is the second quiz i have made. enjoy! derpyweirdoquizzer published on April 13, 2018 Stacked 1/8 What do people describe your drawings as? THE. BEST. DRAWINGS. THEY HAVE EVER SEEN!!! they say they are good but I HEAR JIMMY WHISPERING THAT THEY ARE HORRIBLE!!! they have seen better but, they know i can improve...a "latte" they say i am a good drawer! 2/8 do you think you are a good artist? no yes!!! ehh sort of sometimes 3/8 how much time do you spend practicing drawing every day? ALL THE TIME!!! None whatsoever about 2-3 hours about half the day 4/8 most artists are depressed, are you? yes i am... sometimes no i am always as happy as cake not really sometimes i feel as though everyone is staring at me, waiting for me to make a mistake then laugh about it behind my back... 5/8 do you like drawing? YES!!!! sort of not really no eew drawings gross (me: y must u ruin my life T^T) 6/8 Do you use inspiration from other people no YESSSS sort of sometimes 7/8 how do you draw? I dont i just do it i plan everything out sketch a lot and then i sketch some more(etc. etc.) idk how to explain it so i will just not say... 8/8 do you have lots of supplies? i have every peice of equipment there has ever been created i have lots only some none at all