Are you a lobster? Find our if you are actually a lobster. This question has puzzled people for thousands of quarter seconds Jbrown90 published on December 31, 2017 Stacked 1/10 How often do you order tacos at subway? Pickled cheese I hate my shoes Stop slapping my bum 2/10 What would you do if someone took your last pair of shoe laces Stab them 9383737 times with my sandwich Call the fire department Hope their soul gets stolen by a satanic bunny 3/10 What is 1 + 9 10 Hillbilly sweat shop The gravy is too cold 4/10 My hat has milk on it. What would you do Drink it Purchase oreos.. Mmm dunky dunky Go bowling 5/10 Skydiving, scuba diving or dancing Yes No My grandma hates you 6/10 What would you do in a zombie apocalypse Find my family Go to walmart, half of cheerios yo Eat the zombies 7/10 Salem is looking at you. How do you escape Jump over a fence Throw treats and fly away, im superman Impossible, im f$%&ed 8/10 Your friend asks to borrow your car. What do you say I see your wearing skittles as a thong.... Did you vote for harambe No, now give me your soul 9/10 How do you feel about pizza Its delicious It robbed me... Did you know i can eat cereal 10/10 favorite Super hero Bean guy Harambe Al gore