What narrator is your favorite? Discover what narrator will please you more when you read a book. Take this quiz Natalu published on February 20, 2018 Stacked 1/5 Who would you like to know better Myself My friend Someone I already know a little Someone I don’t know Someone that knows me but I don’t know them Someone that talks about me behind my back Someone at work Someone misterious 2/5 Give your opinion Protagonist Secondary Third person Third person limited Observer Comentator Interviewer Secret 3/5 Choose Favorite book The perks of being a wallflower Harry potter Sherlock holmes 1984 Titanic Game of thrones Secret garden The end - series of unfortunate events 4/5 You like to Connect with people Observe people around you Give your opinions Live adventures Examine and observe Ask questions Discover secrets Live someone else’s life 5/5 Favorite type Emotional Investigation Adventure Science fiction Drama Suspense Sad