What Kind of Jealous Partner Are You?

What Kind of Jealous Partner Are You?

Discover which type of jealousy defines your behavior in relationships.

published on March 11, 2024

How do you react when your partner hangs out with a friend of the opposite sex?

How do you react when your partner hangs out with a friend of the opposite sex?
Trust them completely
Feel uneasy but keep quiet
Confront them immediately
Become distant and moody

How often do you check your partner's phone or social media accounts?

How often do you check your partner's phone or social media accounts?

What do you do if your partner mentions an attractive person?

What do you do if your partner mentions an attractive person?
Express anger or jealousy
Agree but feel uneasy
Compliment the person too
Get upset and compare yourself

How do you handle your partner chatting with someone from work?

How do you handle your partner chatting with someone from work?
Feel a bit jealous
Forbid any communication
Check their messages secretly
Encourage their friendships

When your partner cancels plans with you, how do you react?

When your partner cancels plans with you, how do you react?
Feel like they don't care about you
Understand and reschedule
Accept it but feel disappointed
Accuse them of betrayal

How do you feel about your partner having close friends of the opposite sex?

How do you feel about your partner having close friends of the opposite sex?
Uncomfortable but tolerant
Threatened and controlling
Suspicious and envious
Supportive and open-minded

In a disagreement with your partner, what is your go-to reaction?

In a disagreement with your partner, what is your go-to reaction?
Get upset but try to find a compromise
Shut down emotionally and withdraw
Blame them for everything
Talk through the issue calmly

When your partner gets attention from others, how do you feel?

When your partner gets attention from others, how do you feel?
Rage with jealousy
Inadequate and insecure
Cautious and wary
Happy for them

How do you handle surprises or gifts from your partner to others?

How do you handle surprises or gifts from your partner to others?
Compare yourself unfavorably
Feel a bit envious
Question their motives
Encourage their kindness

What is your first thought when your partner is out without you?

What is your first thought when your partner is out without you?
Worry about what they're doing
Hope they have a great time
Feel left out and abandoned
Assume they are up to no good

How do you feel about your partner having past relationships?

How do you feel about your partner having past relationships?
Demand all details and comparisons
Feel uneasy but don't bring it up
Accept it as part of their life
Obsess over their exes and feel inadequate

What do you do if you suspect your partner is flirting with someone?

What do you do if you suspect your partner is flirting with someone?
Assume the best until you have proof
Become paranoid and investigate relentlessly
Accuse them of emotional cheating
Feel a twinge of jealousy but ignore it