what creepy pasta likes you the most? see what creepy pasta thinks you are cute and love or likes you. here they are Jeff the killer tikki toby ben drowned slender hoody masky and laghing jack. silvermoon43344 published on October 06, 2015 Stacked 1/5 what whould you ware (sorry cant spell) jaket anything with blood on it a suit/dress mask anything with green clown outfit 2/5 fav animal every one of them dogs cats humans elves children 3/5 who is your fave jeff the killerjeff: you called me a killer :) me: wowwww tikki tobytoby: dont call me that me:ok ben drowned ben: just call me ben me:??????? slendermanslendy: stop you can not say it like that. me: why? hoody and maskyhoody and masky: can we have chesecake me: not yet laughing jacklaughing jack: candy? me: no 4/5 what is your fav food idk cheesecake! candy something with blood wires evrything 5/5 fav color red (like blood) black orange brown both black and white green