what drawception meme are you? Want to know if your a yellmo,trouble muffin or dr.explosian face WHILE NOW YOU KNOW wormy published on December 20, 2017 Stacked 1/6 "are you a real villain"-robbie rotten the person below homo lol r ecks dee im funny my plans are often elaborite but OI ALWAYS MESS UP CAUSE I DISSAPEER SO FAS- YEA I AM THE MOST EVIL MAN IN THE WORLD no i just like to relax why do u need to know...every one knows about how nice i am no im a super hero....that no one has noticed AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I HAVE EVIL LOUDNESS POWERS HA HA HA 2/6 whats your quote AAAAAAAAA sipp i like it when stuff is damaged i taste malisiuos and notsonutrisious Hey look at my drawing my quote is the name of who i am so imma not say my quote m'kay ... 3/6 are you loud? YES no im rather calm and quiet no but i do talk alot *loud booming noise* Im so quiet no one sees me yes but i do miscomunicatewhat i try to say no but my gun is!WANNA HEAR IT UP CLOSE TO YOUR EAR 4/6 pick an animal or plant tasmanian devil coffee beans THE EVIL SHARK WHO BITES STUFF MUA HA BS the yellow stinging bee fire ant and fire wood the sneaky mouse the artsy spider&the trees for paper 5/6 are you old yea but it barely shows i got mold growin on me im expired i may be hairy but im not old im a hipster no way im old im kinda old but my parent arent cause u cant age when ur dead...WHYYYYYYYYYY i have a phd in boom boom of corse im dead of corse i am 6/6 how popular are you? im so popular!im always at the top! yea sure ok yea but i feel like no one notices where i am not as much famous but im more infamous no u stalker i wont tel fek.u why should i care i miss the days when i was ....