What Is Your Supernatural?

What Is Your Supernatural?

Find out what supernatural you are by choosing answers that BEST fit YOUR personality!

published on April 04, 2015

Do you prefer to be with nature on land or in the ocean?

Well, what about both?

Do you like to be feared?

YES!!! How do you think I get people to listen to me?
No way! I like to be friendly and open to everyone!
Well, it is different depending on the people.
Sometimes it becomes handy, but other times not so much...

Hardest Question!- Do you like to be alone!

NO! Friends always! What happens if you want to take a fun swim!
NO! Friends ALWAYS!!! You never know when you want to pull an AMAZING prank!
YEAH!!! I can't work with other people! That is SICK!

Do you like to make enemies or friends? Or both?

Enemies! I need people to know that I despise them!
Friends! You are in a danger zone when you have enemies!
Both! I just let myself do as I please! You need to have a line between them just to stay safe!

What do you think YOU are?

Mermaid! <3 to SWIM!
Fairy! <3 to FLY!
Desher! <3 to kill!