are you a dauntless Test to see if you really are who you think you are. Be brave the first Times the hardest srs.jabber published on September 15, 2014 Stacked 1/5 Why did you pick to be a dauntless I wanted to be tough I look like one To escape a childhood You want to be a warrior Just cuz 2/5 There's one piece of cake left and the person In front of you takes it and your pissed what do you do? Bitchh slap them and grab the cake Stare them down until they give it to you Choke them and grab the cake 3/5 One of your fears in your fear landscape is? Spiders Fire Falure Death 4/5 If you're ordered to be executed you? Find a weapon and haul ass out Just die Wait for someone to rescue you Staul until you think of a plan Stare them down 5/5 You're getting screamed at for not winning a fight you? Argue that your good Just take it Apologize Avoid eye contact Not look at that person for the rest of initiation