Time Keepers: Judging vs. Perceiving

Time Keepers: Judging vs. Perceiving

Discover your time management style: structured or flexible? Explore the unique ways you navigate life's myriad decisions.

published on October 30, 2024

Your approach to multitasking is:

Your approach to multitasking is:
Help others while working on your tasks.
Handle a few tasks efficiently.
Juggle multiple tasks with ease.
Avoid - focus on completing one task thoroughly.

When faced with a big decision, you:

When faced with a big decision, you:
Seek input but have some ideas.
Follow your instincts in the moment.
Research and evaluate all options.
Consult friends or family for guidance.

Your workspace is:

Your workspace is:
A creative mess with no apparent order.
Shared and frequently adjusted to accommodate others.
Fairly tidy with stacks of paper.
Organized with labeled folders.

In meetings, you prefer:

In meetings, you prefer:
Structured agenda with clear goals.
Free flowing with brainstorming sessions.
Open discussions to ensure everyone's heard.
An agenda with room for new ideas.

When planning a weekend getaway, you:

When planning a weekend getaway, you:
Decide last minute where to go.
Have a rough outline, but open to change.
Create a minute-by-minute itinerary.
Let someone else decide and just go with it.

Your approach to deadlines is:

Your approach to deadlines is:
Work steadily and finish on time.
Push them as far as possible.
Flexible, especially if others need help.
Finish early to avoid stress.

How do you feel about last-minute changes?

How do you feel about last-minute changes?
Excited - it adds spice to routine.
Annoyed - I prefer sticking to plans.
Acceptable, if there's good reason.
Okay, if it doesn't disrupt others.

How do you start your day?

How do you start your day?
By checking in on those around you.
With a flexible list of tasks.
With a strict morning routine.
Spontaneously based on mood.

You prefer your vacations:

You prefer your vacations:
Pre-booked with every detail sorted.
With booked essentials, rest can vary.
Decided once you arrive.
Planned considering companions' preferences.

When organizing a party, you:

When organizing a party, you:
Host it spontaneously, see where it goes.
Coordinate with others for collective planning.
Plan everything down to the playlist.
Plan essential details, improvise the rest.