What your Bionic Power? Ever wonder what your bionic power would be if you were a bionic human? Well take the quiz and find out your results! LabRats4Ever published on March 14, 2016 Stacked 1/7 What your favorite color? White Red Purple Blue Black 2/7 If you were to save one, who would you save? Chase Bree Adam obviouslyMe: cool Mr. Davenport Leo 3/7 What your personality? Tough Sweet Flexible A Leader Protective 4/7 Who's your favorite male character? Mr. Davenport Chase Davenport Adam Davenport Leo Dooley 5/7 Who's your favorite female character? Janelle (she's so sassy XD)Me: Ok then Bree Davenport Ms. Perry Tasha Davenport 6/7 Which describes you? I love protecting the people I love and will protect them even at the cost of my life I'm distant from others and won't let anyone know what I'm feeling. Nobody knows my secrets or my past and as soon as I push them away, they leave me. DESTRUCTION! DESTRUCTION! DESTRUCTION! DESTRUCTION!!!Me: ok take a chill pill I run away from my problems and don't ever look back. But when someone truly needs my help, I help as quickly as possible. I think my way out of problems and strategize mine and my opponents every move before I take action. I prefer brains over brawn 7/7 Which side would you be on? good bad neutral