Are you an annoying git? Honestly, I just looked at my classmates, and this quiz came to mind. Also, a 6th grader that me and Rin_boi abbreviated their 'name' to TOBK. Don't ask why. anonymous-user-zFdUHQ published on April 14, 2021 Stacked 1/7 Okay, do you know why people hate the question 'What is your favorite color?' ? Nope on a rope. BECAUSES IT IS SUCH AN ANNOYING QUESTION! Just like you!Me: Git. 2/7 DO you get annoyed easily? Yeah Heck No! 3/7 Okay, which one of these describes you? A pretty princess that EVERYONE loves! A pretty princess goody two-shoes that EVERYONE loves! And I KNOW that EVERYONE loves me!Me: Well, I hate the living s*it out of you now. 4/7 Are you a Negative or Positive leader? Positive! Negative. 5/7 Would you eat one pound of string cheese? HECK YEAH! HECK NO! 6/7 I can't look! what? Spider?Me: *covers eyes* 7/7 I can't think.... I can't either! Okay....