Which Lovely 1st year are you? Katie, Tayna, Cami, Hannah, Natalie, Kelsey. Who are you/who do you want to be? katienolan95 published on December 11, 2014 Stacked 1/5 Catch Phrase of Choice YASSS I hate diff eq Wait, what? I'm at home Lol I'm so weird *anything in a southern accent* 2/5 What am I doing on a Friday night? Fropping by myself At TKE 90% of the time Getting together with my geed friend At home or at KA Slurring my words and spelling my name wrong No one ever knows 3/5 Drink of Choice Taking pulls of whiskey Vodka Sprite every day Tequila Deep Eddies Anything with vodka in it please Margeritaasss 4/5 What will I be doing in 10 years? Running the world Club promoter Debutant Queen Housewife Married to my high school boyfriend Still looking to marry rich 5/5 What do I look for in a guy? Anyone who will give me a shacker shirt Tall, dark, and handsome Someone as emotionally attached as me Someone who wears camo and carries a gun Geed like behavior Boys from my hometown