What president are you? Answer the following questions and find out what president you are most like! Ba10065359 published on May 16, 2014 Stacked 1/10 Do you consider yourself to be more "laid back" or always serious? Serious Laid back 2/10 Are you a hard worker? Yes No 3/10 Do your friends tell you what to do a lot or do you tell them what to do? They tell me I tell them 4/10 Do you get in fights/arguments a lot? Yes No 5/10 Do you tend to worry about what others think of you? No Yes 6/10 Do you try to lead by force? Yes No 7/10 Do you value your social life over work? Yes No 8/10 Are you pro-slavery? Yes No 9/10 Do you tend to go with the flow or stand our and do what you want? Go with the flow Do what you want 10/10 Do you have more good relationships with others or bad relationships? Good Bad Neither. I try to stay independent.