What is your wedding dress? This quiz is to tell all the females out there what there wedding dress will look like. SantaFire0908 published on November 10, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Will you be happy with waterver dress you get. yes Better be a goth dress better be a girly girly dress doesnt matter to me 2/5 Favorite singer/rapper and song by them B-MikeDemons in My head Chainsmoker and DayaDont let me down taylor swiftstyle katy perryroar B-mike (yes again)2 faces Hollywood Undeadbullet 3/5 favorite place to visit Hawii Alaska Georgia North/ South carloina 4/5 Why are you taking this quiz? Bored Want to know what my dress will look like First quiz that poped up needed something to do 5/5 Sorry for this question.Favortie Color Black blue orange pink neon green red