Your personality (6) best quiz ever! This will tell you who you really are and it will be very longish and awesome! follow me! princessluna2 published on July 12, 2016 Stacked 1/7 What is your favorite color? pink red blue teal turquiose green white black yellow gold silver other 2/7 what do you like to do for fun? eat cake dance hanging with me pals daydreaming reading taking shower making perfect couples singing listening to music playing sports swimming sleeping 3/7 what is your favorite animal out of these? unicorn dragon pegasus bunnies they r sooo cute! frogs birds wolf fox tiger bear giraffe alligators 4/7 let fate decide ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) -- + 5/7 what do you think you are gonna get? dreamer lover adventurer partier 6/7 did you have fun? wait what? yesssss meh YAAAAAAAAS 7/7 this is the last question ok... whatever I am getting tired of sitting here waiting for my answer I am excited to get my answer