What Weapon is For You From Daggers to Spears what weapon are you most compatible with? Lets see. EyeOfMagic published on July 28, 2015 Stacked 1/5 How strong are you? I'M SO STRONG I'LL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!( Me:Okay... ) Not that strong but if carrying weight is what you mean I'm pretty strong *Punch Punch* I'm strong! Pretty weak in general 2/5 How's your aim? Terrible!!!!!! Stand over there.. *Walks 50 feet away* *Throws a dart* OUCH!!!Meh, I guess I'm okay.( YOU CALL THAT OKAY!!?? ) I'm pretty good Hmm, I never really thought about it... 3/5 What's your battle style? Slicing peoples head and arms off! Ambush and POW! Get a high peak and nock them one by one Hide and hope they kill each other Punch 'em! 4/5 If you were in HG (Hunger Games) how would you kill? STAB EVERYONE!! Don't kill, but damage, then sit back and wait for people to kill then take down the survivors and, BOOYAKASHA! Black every one out then go in for the kill! Poison and stuff then sit back and relax What is Hunger Games?( Srly not helping and OMG HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW HUNGER GAMES ) 5/5 Do you find a Hilt usefull?( a hilt is the handle of a sword or dagger or etc.. ) Yah tots cuz you can hit peeps in the head or stomach NO of course not all you do is hold it! I can't really use it well but I guess it is pretty usefull