Which Hogwarts house are you in? (10) See if your an ambitious Slytherin, a brave Gryffindor, a clever Ravenclaw, or a loyal Hufflepuff! rvenclaw published on April 19, 2019 Stacked 1/10 Whats your biggest flaw I'm self centered I'm an attention hog I always have to be on top I let people walk all over me 2/10 What do you do if you find out your friend cheated on there exams nothing confront the friend but not the teacher tell the teacher because its not fair tell the teacher 3/10 Whats your favorite subject at Hogwarts Defense agents the dark arts Charms Care of magical creatures Potions 4/10 Whats your Favorite magical creature dragons peonix thestrals unicorns 5/10 Someone at your school is getting bullied what do you do stand up for them make the one getting bullied feel better give the one getting bullied advice don't get involved 6/10 Whats most important to you Knowledge Glory The right thing Being the best 7/10 Whats you favorite type of food Spicy Sweet Healthy Flavorful 8/10 Whats your favorite color green red blue yellow 9/10 Do you care about fashion Yes I always want to look my best No I always need to have my own style Yes I need to look like the best person I can be Nope 10/10 What house do you want to be in Gryffindor Slytherin Hufflepuff Ravenclaw