Who are you summer or Sarah Hartlin ?

Who are you summer or Sarah Hartlin ?

Twins witch Hartlin are you cheack out this quiz . Sarah corky weird British girl summer corky funny awesome biker and base ball player

published on May 19, 2016

On food what's is your choose

Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat but fruits and veggies I like but ribs are so good
Veggies veggies meat is bad
Other fruit

Style of hair and face cloths

Style of hair and face cloths
Pony tail and shirt with shorts but I luv dresses and make up to
Dress no make up and crocs
I'll wear anything

What is your fav animal

What is your fav animal
Lion puppy or cat all the way or maybe a giraffe or dinosaur really everything
Bunny or squirrel
Poop don't pick this

Dip ?

Dip ?
Nooooooooooooooooooooo plain all the way but gravy and barbecue honey garlic yum
Sauce yes ketchup mustered ranch gravy barbecue any

What's your personality ish

What's your personality ish
Dare devil and angel
Angel angel angel


No gross