What Type Dere Are Chu? what kinda yandere are chu? find out here~ :3 answer accurately! plz;-; ~OTAKU~ YanderePotato published on January 03, 2017 Stacked 1/5 Poem for senpai... Roses are red,Violets are blue,Be my Valintine,I'm waiting for you!~Blood is red...Bruises are blue.......don't say no... Roses are red,Violets are blue,If I see you with her,Il kill her... And you too Roses are red,Violets are blue,Notice me senpai,Bcuz I love you! Roses are red,handcuffs are naughty,if you ever left me,they'd never find the body!~ 2/5 When your senpai gets back home late what do you ask him? senpai...I am senpai...I know the answers...and I wasn't home late...yes... senpai was with me the whole time... how could you ask me such a thing...? your five minutes late home senpai..who is she!?!?! what is that smell senpai..you smell different... wh-where have you been.;-; 3/5 When you go on dates..what do you do? senpai and me..for dates..we watch movies...I only want him to be around me... we go on a picnic ^-^ and watch as le children play~ We talk about who to ki-not to kill!!!! hehe...senpai might get hungry...we will feed off senpai...one with senpai... m-me and senpai go out to eat..senpai all mine... 4/5 Where Is Your Senpai Now huh? *^* SenpaII is Above me...hehe hehe...shh..he's sleeping.. *is under bed peeking at senpai* s-senpai is sleeping ... ^.^ *is looking through a telescope* he is in his home...I ask what he's doing frequently... What are you talking about? I am senpai *^*yes, you are senpaiyes, we are senpai... 5/5 DO YOU Even Have A Senpai?? I HAZ A SENPAI!!!! HE IS MINE AND ONLY MINe=-= well..ahemm.. I keeP miEn in a SaaFFE placeE hehe hehe *burps*:3 s-s-seenpai~!!!!!! I do ^-^ he is my precious ~