What Type Dere Are Chu?

What Type Dere Are Chu?

what kinda yandere are chu? find out here~ :3 answer accurately! plz;-; ~OTAKU~

published on January 03, 2017

Poem for senpai...

Poem for senpai...
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Be my Valintine,
I'm waiting for you!~
Blood is red...
Bruises are blue...
....don't say no...
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
If I see you with her,
Il kill her... And you too
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Notice me senpai,
Bcuz I love you!
Roses are red,
handcuffs are naughty,
if you ever left me,
they'd never find the body!~

When your senpai gets back home late what do you ask him?

When your senpai gets back home late what do you ask him?
senpai...I am senpai...I know the answers...and I wasn't home late...
yes... senpai was with me the whole time...
how could you ask me such a thing...?
your five minutes late home senpai..who is she!?!?!
what is that smell senpai..you smell different...
wh-where have you been.;-;

When you go on dates..what do you do?

When you go on dates..what do you do?
senpai and me..for dates..we watch movies...I only want him to be around me...
we go on a picnic ^-^ and watch as le children play~
We talk about who to ki-
not to kill!!!! hehe...senpai might get hungry...
we will feed off senpai...
one with senpai...
m-me and senpai go out to eat..senpai all mine...

Where Is Your Senpai Now huh? *^*

Where Is Your Senpai Now huh? *^*
SenpaII is Above me...hehe hehe...shh..he's sleeping.. *is under bed peeking at senpai*
s-senpai is sleeping ... ^.^ *is looking through a telescope*
he is in his home...I ask what he's doing frequently...
What are you talking about? I am senpai *^*
yes, you are senpai
yes, we are senpai...

DO YOU Even Have A Senpai??

DO YOU Even Have A Senpai??
well..ahemm.. I keeP miEn in a SaaFFE placeE hehe hehe *burps*:3
I do ^-^ he is my precious ~