Can you be my friend or sibling

If you get most of these right you could be like my bestfriend or even one of my siblings like a twin or something.

published on May 12, 2014

If someone smacks you on the butt what do you do?

If someone smacks you on the butt what do you do?
Hit them in the face
Tell them to leave you alone
Ignore them and if they do it again tell an adult
Ask them if they just hit you on the butt and call them in for sexual harassment
Tell them that you are taken even if you are not

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Under the water as a mermaid
Canada or mexico

Someone at school that you like says hi what do you do?

Someone at school that you like says hi what do you do?
H-Hi how are you?
Hey whats new
So what have you been up to?
-Ignore em and just keep walking-
Try to walk alongside them and talk to them through the halls

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite color?

What gender do you like?

What gender do you like?
Both if I didn't that would be kind of sexist
I'd prefer not to say

If you could have one career what would it be?

If you could have one career what would it be?
Helping people
Being able to help abused and injured horses
Be a total superstar
Be an underwater performer with my mermaid tail
Live in Colorado and be a mother of 6 and work at a school

If you could get one thing in the world ANYTHING in the world what would it be?

If you could get one thing in the world ANYTHING in the world what would it be?
Being a mermaid
Living forever
Having that one special guy like you
Be able to be myself
Come out of the closet about being bi

You think of your old friend and realize you like them but your old friend is the same gender as you what do you do?

You think of your old friend and realize you like them but your old friend is the same gender as you what do you do?
Keep it hidden but not from those few friends that you truly trust
Keep it hidden from everybody even your family
Tell everybody who cares if they know
Tell everybody but your family because you are scared what your mom might think
Keep it hidden from everybody every single person

Biggest dream?

Biggest dream?
Be a mermaid
Live in a mansion with a rich husband
Work at a school for the deaf and be a successful model
Be a good mother with a working husband
Be a nurse that helps deaf children because I either am one or have kids who are deaf

Your mom tells you that you are moving schools what do you do?

Your mom tells you that you are moving schools what do you do?
Totally freak out because you love your school
Act like everything is okay but you really just want to go to the same school
Be mad at first but see it as a way to start over and try to be yourself
Be mad completely and not even try at school
Be completely happy and do better at that school