What the doctor who characters think of you (*Girls) This is a personality quiz that shows what the doctor who characters think of your if they where real, Enjoy ;) anonymous-user-C26n0q published on November 02, 2014 Stacked 1/17 Rp time-You hear the TARDIS, what is your reaction? ohh what is that? Lets BURN it >:) (Hides then sneaks in) Oh lets go investigate There you are Doctor I was beginning to lose hope :) 2/17 He introduces him self as The Doctor I know who you are lest go see the stars and eat Icecream Doctor... Who? Sorry i got on without permission YOU WILL DIE Nice name 3/17 He takes you to a planet that is in infested with Daleks by accented, what do you do? Im out Yes come to me my babies We can do this Lets make a plan Ok time for action 4/17 A Dalek comes out of no where and shoots at The Doctor, what do you do Push him out of the way and get shot for him Run and say see ya sucker Hide and sob Blow it up with a device you made Shout encouraging words 5/17 You save the planet, now what? Lets go again Ok now ill kill you Take me home That was... fun God job Doctor 6/17 (don't kill me) End of Rp- Whats your favorite color? TARDIS Blue Black Blood red Orange PINK :D 7/17 How do you feel about Bow Ties? What are these Bow ties you speak of Lame Bow ties are cool, and so are fezzes There are nice I love the colors 8/17 Choose one :D Bow Tie TARDIS Death ray Book Something 9/17 Favorite animal? Shark Human Butterfly K-9 Spider 10/17 How would you like to die? I wont, ill be the one killing Suiside Saving someone I love Of old age I don't want to go 11/17 Who is your favorite? 9th Doctor 10th Doctor 11th Doctor The Master River Song 12/17 Girly Level? Not at all Maybe a little In the middle Yes OMG YESSS 13/17 Doctor who? Sure ( looks at me like I'm crazy) I DON"T CARE He never told me Idk I wish he trusted me enough 14/17 Favorite bad guy? The Master Daleks Weeping Angels Slitheene Cyberman 15/17 Almost done YAY NOO Ok Sure Just show me my results already 16/17 What is more important? The Doctor Everyone DEATH My Family No one 17/17 What do you like better? Singing UNICORNS Death Nothing The Doctor of course