Which character from The Fandom are you? Just a quiz to find out which Sonic X character you are.. Enjoy! xD For all those sonic addicts out there. (Fandom : Cover Pic) InsaneSpaghetti published on August 02, 2016 Stacked 1/10 What are you known as in school? The Saviour of Victims Geek Rascal Bully Class Pet Drama Queen Mysterious 2/10 What is your hobby? Running? Getting Creative Joking with friends Inventing something Playing with friends Stealing items Sitting quiet; I don't wish to share my intentions and thought to others. 3/10 What is your favorite school subject? P.E Science Art Lunch Break xD I don't have one literally. Music Class Um.. 4/10 What do you totally dislike? People who interrupt when I am working. Anybody who steps into my goal. I don't like it when people try to act better than what they really are. People who do good socially. People who mess with me. Those who steal my valuables. Intruders, trespassers, privacy invaders... and all of the above, plus others I don't remember. 5/10 Choose a color that describes you. Blue Orange Pink White Red Golden Black 6/10 Do you have enemies? A thousand ones. 1-2 I think everyone is suspicious, but I don't have one. One major enemy; that I totally dislike. Maybe.. No, it's not nice to have enemies. Everyone thinks so, but I don't care. 7/10 How would people describe you? Intelligent, persistent, outgoing Smart, Intelligent, Kind, Helpful, Lovable Kind, Determined, Strong-Hearted Awkward, Funny, Evil Loyal, Responsible, Proud Funny, Caring Tough, strong, unbreakable, and usually serious. :V 8/10 Eggy is.. Do you ACTUALLY want to hear that? Intelligent; it's just that he doesn't use it for good. A Bad Guy. Awesome, Amazing, I just don't get words! I don't care. Fabulous. A person. 9/10 What is your favorite genre of music? Heavy Dubstep Rock Pop Alternative Electronic Classical I don't have time to listen to music in my life, deep in depression. 10/10 If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Super Strength Invincibility Any power.. but must have a weapon! Control The Universe Super Speed Some power that gives me what I want Ninja?