What Junk food are you? Are you fries, a cupcake, a tasty popsicle or popcorn? Find out in this personality quiz! Efeast published on August 29, 2015 Stacked 1/8 Don't hate me but.. Colour? Of course I dont hate chu! Yellow! Blue Green Pink I HATE CHU! RED! Orange Purrrrrple 2/8 What do you think of gymnastics? I can do ANYTHING! Woo! Pretty cool I guess! Eh, its okay. Bleh. I suck at it and i hate it >:( Gynastics keeps me fit, So I like it! IT IS MY LIFE! 3/8 Pick one! :3 :) :D :P -_- ;-; *o* :( 4/8 Favorite food? I like burgers. I like fries ;3 I like caik I like things normal people like. How about MEAT! I can't decide! I like them all! 5/8 Fav 2015 movie? Inside Out Insurgent Home Big Hero 6 Cinderella 2015 :P Minions! 6/8 What about anime? Ok! ;3 I LOVE EVERYTHING! Ehm. I hate how everyone obsesses over it like wut? WHY WOULD YOU ASK OF COURSE! I love everything japanese, kawaii, chibi, anime blah blah blah blah blah blah I like it XD 7/8 Favourite season? Spring! Summer! Winter! Autumn/Fall 8/8 Are you a loner? I like the picture so yes! No. I have lots of friends! Always. Yay! NOPE! I CAN BE THOUGH, I CAN DO ANYTHING! Maybe..