Is someone crushing on u? Take the quiz to find out does someone like in class or just someone you saw in the store take the quiz to find out! ENJOY! babylol504 published on October 18, 2014 Stacked 1/7 When u see a boy and y'all look into each other eyes what does the boy do? Bite his lip Smile Laugh He doesn't do anything 2/7 Do u have a crush No Yes I'm not sure I think so 3/7 Have you ever had a boyfriend? Yes! No! Maybe I'm gay 4/7 Give my quiz 5 stars Ok! No thanks I hated it quiz I liked it It was horrible 5/7 Do u have a crush? Yup! No! I'm in the friend zone? 6/7 Does a boy stare at u? Yes No It's creepy I think I'm not sure 7/7 When u see a boy what does he do? Smile Wink Runs Laughs for no reason Talks to you