Which Falling In Reverse band member would you be with? The post hardcore/alternative rock band falling in reverse with band mates Ronnie Radke, Zakk Sandler, Christian Thompson, Ryan seaman and Derek Jones. sophiaoa published on February 19, 2017 Stacked 1/11 Where do you think you will be in 10 years? Hopefully not jail again.. Probably the same thing. Work out instructor. Running away with my true love. Being with my family. 2/11 Favorite instrument.. Bassss Guitar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Guitar!! Drums.. My voice ;) 3/11 Favorite color hair? Black Red Blue Green Natural 4/11 In your free time you would like to... Play pranks on other people. Be with family. Work out. Write songs. Go out and have an adventure. 5/11 Favorite energy drink? Coffee Redbull Monster Who needs energy? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ EVERYTHING AT ONCE! 6/11 What is your favorite color? Red Blue Black (like my soul) Purple Don't have one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 7/11 Let fate Choose (or try and Escape the fate.) .. .-. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ;) :P 8/11 Situations... Are irrelevant! Oh okay? ... Darling what is going on? Dying is your latest fashion. 9/11 Favorite Falling In Reverse song? The Drug in me is you The Westerner Brother Coming Home Good Girls Bad Guys 10/11 Ideal family pet? Cat ^-^ Dogs dogs and more dogs Iguana Pitbull No pets 11/11 Ever went to prison? NO.. uh.. maybe. No but I know someone that did. Nah.. Why would I?