Happy days personality quiz find out which happy days character you are most like! yay yay yay fun monkeesrule published on January 16, 2015 Stacked 1/5 What's your favorite color? blue green orange black 2/5 What do you like to wear for clothes? Something that looks neat and clean My favorite shirt (especially when I go over my best friends house, even though it annoys his dad) My classic leather jacket it doesn't really matter... 3/5 What is you favorite thing to do at a sleepover? convince your BFF to sneak out to the drag race with you be convinced by your BFF to go to the drag race with them I don't do sleepovers - i'm in the drag race I keep my friends that are at the sleepover updated about the time of the drag race 4/5 what's your favorite thing to do? play/sing music play basketball prank people (especially the waitress at Arnolds) ride my motorcycle and jump sharks 5/5 What color is your hair? light brown to light orange brown orange black