should you babysit this is to help u see if you should or should not become a baby sitter nadia.lynch.71 published on October 08, 2014 Stacked 1/8 the youngest wakes up and cries cuz of a bad dream, you cuddle them, tell them its ok and it was just a dream, and it cant hurt you. then sing a lullaby until they fall asleep punch the soft spot of there skull and burn there ear with a cigarette tell them it was a dream, then close the door and walk away 2/8 how do you treat the kids if they act up beat the crap out of them time out for 5 min time out and tell them why it was the wrong thing to do 3/8 do you like kids yes, i love them those little s**ts can die in a hole ... 4/8 kids start to yell and cry you, tell them that they all have to stay in there rooms and not come out for the rest of the day duck tape them together and burn off there eye brows time out until they say sorry and make up 5/8 what do you bring in your bag all things i need for an emergence age appropriate games, movies, books and all things for an emergence and a cell phone make up, phone, book, r rated movie, r rated video game 6/8 the kids are board. what do you do tell them to read and go to bed send them to bed at 5 pm, and then i can do what i want ask what games they like and play with them, or crafts 7/8 the parents come home and all they give you for the full 8 hours is 5$, you flip out and burn there house down say thank you and leave *speechless as you walk away* 8/8 the oldest trows a bucket of milk on your head, you kill that brat. and eat his fish in front of his body as it slowly runs out of blood lecture him for 2 hours time out and no more tv