What Aphmau character are you? Tells you whether you're Garroth, Laurance, Dante, Travis, Zane, Kawii~Chan, Katelyn, Kiki, Lucinda, Cadenza, Nicole, Aaron, or Aphmau. Multiple_OTP_Shipper published on September 08, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Who is your favorite Aphmau character? Aphmau Aaron Katelyn Travis Laurance Lucinda Garroth Cadenza Zane Kawii~Chan Kiki Dante Nicole 2/5 If you were the lord of a village, what kind of lord would you be? A nice lord A respectable lord An animal loving lord A fighting lord A fire fighting lord A shadow knightly fighting lord A lord that uses katannas A tri-gene lord An evil lord A sugary and really PINK lord A witchy lord A designer lord An iron fighting lord 3/5 Are you... Caring Mysterious Animal-loving Fire-fighting Iron-fighting Shadow-fighting Fighting Katanna-fighting Tri-gened PINK-and-sugary Dark Designer Witchery 4/5 Is your past... Rejecting Lonely Sweet Animalistic Caring Dark Strict Mysterious Dreaded Trained Running Painful Desired 5/5 How do you respond? Kind Intimidating Strong Sweet Evilly Straight to the point Non-talkatively Shadowish Jokingly Reactions Friendly Elegantly Witchy