Would You Be A Member Of Skyclan?

Would You Be A Member Of Skyclan?

Would you end up being a Skyclan warrior or would you not lets find out...

published on March 15, 2015

Do you have strong back legs?

Yes there so strong and I can jump so high
Kind of there not that strong
No I have week back legs

Do you like high places?

Yes its so amazing being that high and looking down on the world
Kind of it feels good for a bit then i want to get down
No its so scary

Do you know who Leafpool was named after?

Yes Leafstar leader of Skyclan
Not untill i just read the one above this ^^^
I didnt know till now

(RP) A kit is falling from a high Cliff. What do you do?

Walk up there grab the kit and scold it for going up that high.
Run up there using my strong back legs I grab it by the scruff and take it to safety.
Climb the rocks and reach for the kit reaching as far as i can till i grab it by the scruff and take it to safety.

Are you a "Daylight-Warrior"

Whats that

Do you have great vision?

I wear glasses im almost blind!
50-50 vision O.O
I have okay vision

Do you have big paws?

Yes there so big I trip over them some times they make me have super strong legs though
Kind of average paw size
No just no >.<

Are rats dangerous to you?

No they can be eatten...right?
I dont think so they are just harmless rodents
Yes they have killed cats