Discover Your Enneagram Personality Uncover your unique personality type with our Enneagram quiz! Take this quiz to find out! michelle published on December 29, 2023 Stacked 1/10 When facing challenges, I prefer to... Seek guidance and support from others Adapt and go with the flow Maintain peace and avoid conflict Confront them head-on Analyze and strategize before taking action 2/10 In social situations, I tend to... Engage and entertain others Lead and take charge Offer support and assistance Avoid attention and blend in Observe and listen attentively 3/10 When making decisions, I typically rely on... My logical analysis and research My assertiveness and gut instincts My intuition and spontaneous impulses Maintaining harmony and avoiding conflicts Others' opinions and consensus 4/10 Under stress, I am more likely to... Become overly dependent on others Withdraw and isolate myself Become indecisive and avoid responsibility Become scattered and seek stimulation Become confrontational and aggressive 5/10 My main motivation in life is... Experiencing pleasure and excitement Achieving success and standing out Gaining knowledge and understanding Maintaining inner peace and harmony Helping and supporting others 6/10 I feel most fulfilled when... I experience joy and adventure I make a positive impact on others' lives I deepen my understanding and expertise I achieve inner serenity and tranquility I can assert my independence and power 7/10 When it comes to expressing emotions, I... Tend to be calm and avoid conflicts Tend to be empathetic and caring Tend to be reserved and introspective Tend to be passionate and assertive Tend to be enthusiastic and expressive 8/10 Which word describes you best? Caring Adventurous Introspective Assertive Harmonious 9/10 Which quote resonates with you the most? “I think therefore I am.” “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” 10/10 When working on a project, I am more likely to... Collaborate and actively involve others Promote harmony and consensus among team members Bring excitement and creativity to the project Take charge and drive it forward Analyze and research various approaches