What is Your Name THIS IS NOT REALY YOUR NAME hope you like it I loove these names and I love making up names MattyPaige9 published on December 11, 2014 Stacked 1/5 In your Spare Time you do Math and Reading like totally go to the mall with my bffs and not even talk to them just text them on my phone Go bowling with friends and babysit animals Feed the farm animals and give them baths 2/5 Speaking of Animal What is yours Monkey and Dog Cat and lions IS a robot a pet Um... Horses,Ducks,and ya know farm animals 3/5 Fav Food Pizza UM any thing not sweet im on a diet Duck and Eggs maybe projected food 4/5 What is your fav color PINK Neon Green White, Dark Green Red 5/5 What Kind of Hair or if not there pick something close Short Brown Hair Blond Pig Tails Orange or Blond