Which Charmed Guy Is Your Match? A quiz to see which guy from the tv show Charmed is your perfect match! mdaCHARMED15 published on July 22, 2015 Stacked 1/10 Who is your favorite sister? Prue Piper Phoebe Paige All of them 2/10 What is your favorite color? Green Red Yellow Blue Purple 3/10 What is your idea of a perfect first date? A nice restaurant Vanquishing Demons Night at the movies A picnic in the park Saving Innocents 4/10 Where would you live? Halliwell Manor Your Apartment Fancy, Expensive Two-Story House Beach House Magic School 5/10 What meal would be served during your first date? Spaghetti Pizza Burger w/Fries Steak A Bucket of Chicken Wings 6/10 What outfit would you not wear for your date Fancy Dress and Tuxedo Casual Everyday Clothing Pajamas 7/10 What is important in your relationship? Honesty Passion Kindness Respect Happiness 8/10 What do you look for in a man? Tall, Honest, Kind, Caring, Sexy Dangerous, Hot, Wild, Sexy Supportive, Responsible, Respectful, Cute, Great Body, Sexy 9/10 If a demon attacks, how would your guy protect you? Orb you out Fight demon for you Shoot demon down Let you do the work 10/10 If a demon kidnapped you, how would your guy rescue you? Scry for you, vanquish demon, bring you home Scry for you, distract demon so you can use your powers to escape Scry for you, free you, let you vanquish demon Let you free yourself and vanquish demon, while he comes and picks you up