Are you an assassin? Hello my lovely people! Today we will be figuring out if you are an assassin or not! If you are, welcome to the creed! If you aren't, then we'll have to take more than just a finger... TheSpringtrap published on February 04, 2022 Stacked 1/5 Who is the main character in the first game? Ezio Auditore da Firenze Desmond Miles William Afton 2/5 Does Ezio Auditore da Firenze prefer the shadows, or the attention? The Shadows The Light 3/5 How do most assassins kill their targets? Covertly loud and proud 4/5 How well is Ezio at his job? AMAZING!!!!!! Alright I guess... Horrible. Pretty good 5/5 what is the main weapon of a expert assassin? The Hidden Blade Gun Sword Fist/Feet