Are You A Psychopath? (1)

Do you think you have some psychopathic tendencies? Then take this fun quiz to find out!

published on August 07, 2024

When the world is falling apart, you're the one...

Who is calm and collected
Dealing with it on a minute-by-minute basis as best as you can.
In a mad panic

Could you ever physically hurt someone?

If I have to, then I would (like in self-defense)
Yes, I would have no regrets
No, I could never, even in self-defense

How do you feel about lying?

Sometimes you have to tell a lie
It's totally wrong and I'd never lie
I have no problem with lying

Do you like extreme activities such as bungee jumping or skydiving?

No, it scares me
Sometimes, it depends on what it is
Yes, I love it

If something goes wrong?

It's not my fault
I'll help fix the problem
I'll assume it was me

You apply for a promotion and a friend applies for it too. What do you do?

If the job is right for me, then I'll get it. If it's not, then I'm happy for them
Do everything you can to get the position
Automatically assume they'll get the job and pull out of the application process

Would you ever cheat on a test or an exam?

Possibly, it depends on what it was
Yes, no problem

Do you like doing things without thinking about them?

Not really, but I can cope with it
Sometimes it's fun

A person leaves their cash in the ATM in front of you. What do you do?

Wait a moment, the machine will probably pull it back if it hasn't been taken. And if it doesn't, then hand the money into the bank
Take the money -- it's their loss
Grab the cash and chase after them to give it to them

Do you ever feel afraid?

Yes, I jump at the slightest thing
In some cases but not all