Are you going mad? Just to make sure your brain goes straight not well C.R.A.Z.Y :D Dont take this seriously :P Zahtwolf published on July 05, 2015 Stacked 1/5 Am i going mad? (like me the creator XD) Yes you are :D No of course not your just mentally challenged :P GO TO A MENTAL HOSPITAL 2/5 Do you think your mad? Yes. No. 3/5 You are in the desert and you see water. Is it actually there? YEAH OF COURSE IT IS! (kk) NO ITS A VISION JUST KEEP DIEING OUT THERE (urr) No its simply a vision :D (:P) 4/5 If you were in a rush and you were thirsty,then you saw a random drink. Would you drink it? HECK YA IM THIRRRRSTY (O.O) No what if its something poisonous or something (MY SPELLING MISTAKES DONT MATTER!) Well i could try a LITTLE bit :) (Wont hurt) NOOOOOoooooOOOOooooOOOOoooooOooOoOooO (okaaaay..) 5/5 Did you enjoy? Sure...(sarcastic voice). No. Of course :D