What Hallo Aus Berlin Character are You? What character are you in the 1990's educational language learning show "Hallo Aus Berlin"? KerenzaMai published on April 23, 2021 Stacked 1/5 Your favourite place to be? Dancing to some bops in the studio Singing some bops in the studio At the zoo Watching my favourite boyband with the girls On a bike ride in the woods At the mall At the pool Horse riding at the stables 2/5 Pick a HAB character to be your BFF Rita Rolli Marko Miriam Thomas No one, I am a strong independant woman/man Everyone Jessicca 3/5 When you grow up you want to? (If you are already grown, pick the one that you would most like to do if you changed careers) Be a famous dancer Be a famous singer Be a doctor Be a yoga instructor I'm not sure Be a model Have my own IT company Be a dog walker 4/5 Choose a German word Tanzen Schlange Farrhad Leiblingscousin Meerschweinchen Kleider Schwimmen Pferd 5/5 If you had to do one of these things at the weekend, what would it be? Practicing my dance moves Singing Going to the zoo Daydreaming about my crush Riding my bike with my bestie Buying new drip (clothes) Drawing my favourite swimming pool Playing with my pets