All about me (2) This is a quiz all about me. So i hope you like and hope you do the best you can. Hugopotomu published on June 17, 2016 Stacked 1/15 how many dogs have i had? 4 3 2 5 2/15 how old am i? 11 12 9 15 3/15 what is the name of my favorite dog Aydah Charlie Hugo Shakira 4/15 what grade am i in? Freshman 7th 5th 8th 5/15 how many kids are in my class 19 27 36 14 6/15 Where did i go for my summer trip Indiana+Kentucky California+Utah 7/15 how many siblings do i have 1 3 7 2 8/15 what is my favorite color? Purple Blue Neon Green Hot pink 9/15 what is my Favorite animal? Giraffe Koala Wolf Horse 10/15 what is my favorite sport Gymnastics+Dance Soccer 11/15 favorite football team is? Detroit Lions New England Patriots 12/15 what level am i in in 4H Junior Intermediate Senior 13/15 What is the name of my favorite pig? Stripes Princess Uncle 14/15 Who is my best buddy in skiing Lilly Troy 15/15 What state do i live in Indiana Michigan New York California Utah Texas Florida Alabama