What 2k YouTuber Are You? Are you LostNUnbound, CashNasty, JesserTheLazer, KOT4Q, TroyDan, or LSK? Chozzy31 published on October 31, 2016 Stacked 1/10 Are you good at basketball? BE HONEST Legend Ok Bad 2/10 Are you even a little bit a bandwagoner? BE HONEST I guess so I'm loyal to my team 3/10 Last random question. Do you have good hair? I work hard on it Sometimes I do sometimes I don't I'm poor Dont need to style it because it always looks the same 4/10 Do you immediately regret things after you do it Never Of course 5/10 Do you get mad easily? No I'm calm NO! YOU DO! YOU THINK I GET MAD?! LOOK IN THE MIRROR! wait.... 6/10 Are you hood? I like to tell myself that Raised in the hood Die in the hood 7/10 Do you think out loud a lot? No Yes 8/10 Do most your fans know your real name Have you seen my channel name? Of course The loyal fans do Never 9/10 Do you curse? Yes but never on camera No A lot In the middle 10/10 Are your videos long They can get too long some times My fans say it's too short I'm off and on