Are you Sabine Wren or Ezra Bridger from Star Wars Rebels? Which one are you? Sabine Wren, or Ezra Bridger? You can find out by taking this quiz! SabineWren published on November 04, 2016 Stacked 1/11 What is your opinion of art? Art is my life Whatever, don't care 2/11 How old are you 15 14 3/11 Who is your bff? Hera! My crush, Sabine 4/11 Do you ship Ezbine? Yes, with all my heart!!!!❤️❤️❤️ Seriously? 5/11 What pet would you want? A lothcat A spider I always thought we could connect 6/11 You see your friend is in danger. You- Draw my lightsaber and use the Force to strange the enemy Blast the enemy, then blow him up 7/11 Your favorite weapon Detonater or blaster Lightsaber 8/11 What's your favorite OTP? (One True Partnership) Ezbine!!!! No idea 9/11 "Alert! Alert! Report to battle positions!" Roll over and go back to sleep Jump out of bed 10/11 female or male? Female Male 11/11 What's your favorite color? Blue, like my hair ALL OF THEM!!!!