Discover Your Big Five Personality Traits (1) Take this quiz to uncover which of the five major personality traits resonates most with you. alina90 published on August 08, 2024 Stacked 1/10 I prefer to socialize with a small group rather than a large crowd. Disagree Agree 2/10 I am highly organized and always stick to a schedule. Disagree Agree 3/10 I enjoy trying new adventurous activities. Disagree Agree 4/10 I get anxious easily in high-pressure situations. Disagree Agree 5/10 I am empathetic and always consider others' feelings. Disagree Agree 6/10 I am usually the life of the party. Disagree Agree 7/10 I tend to follow rules and traditions. Disagree Agree 8/10 I rarely feel stressed or worried. Agree Disagree 9/10 I enjoy challenging others' ideas and beliefs. Disagree Agree 10/10 I prefer spending time alone rather than with others. Disagree Agree