The Jealousy Personality Quiz Find out your jealousy personality with this insightful quiz! Take this quiz to find out! delya90 published on November 17, 2023 Stacked 1/10 When your partner mentions hanging out with someone of the opposite sex, you... Become slightly uneasy and ask questions Get extremely anxious and demand they cancel their plans Feel completely fine and trust them 2/10 How do you handle photos of your partner with their friends on social media? Feel happy for them and like the picture Feel angry, jealous, and spend hours stalking the tagged people Find it bothersome, but try to ignore it 3/10 When your partner gets a promotion, you... Get overwhelmed by jealousy and start questioning their methods Congratulate them genuinely and celebrate their success Feel a bit envious but still offer your support 4/10 When your partner receives a text from an unknown number, you... Ask them about it casually to ease your mind Assume it's nothing important and don't worry about it Imagine the worst scenarios and confront them aggressively 5/10 How do you react when your partner spends time with friends without you? Feel happy that they're enjoying their social life Experience a tinge of jealousy but understand the importance of independence Feel extremely jealous and demand a detailed account of their activities 6/10 If your partner receives compliments from others, you... Feel a little uneasy but make an effort to be supportive Get jealous, angry, and confront them about the motive behind the compliments Feel proud and compliment them even more 7/10 When your partner mentions spending time with their ex, you... Get extremely upset, accuse them of cheating, and threaten to end the relationship Feel fine if they have a friendly relationship Feel a bit uncomfortable, but communicate your feelings calmly 8/10 How do you handle your partner having close friends of the opposite sex? Experience extreme anxiety and regularly demand they cut ties View it as normal and trust their friendship Find it slightly bothersome, but try to be understanding 9/10 When your partner is late coming home, you... Feel a little worried but remind yourself to trust them Jump to conclusions and accuse them of dishonesty Assume there's a valid reason and patiently wait 10/10 How do you handle your partner being friendly and kind to others? Appreciate their positive attitude and encourage such behavior Get highly jealous and question their intentions behind the kindness Feel a little insecure but remind yourself to be supportive