Mobian World - Sonic WWFFY (Part 3) Okay, here is part 3! I know it's been a while.. sorry xD I gotta write more desc.. anonymous-user-8yWHzo published on November 29, 2014 Stacked 1/10 After a while of talking to the boys and Amy, the sun started to set. What do you suggest on doing? Nothing, I'm sleepy.. Omg! Karaoke night! food? I wanna go home! Watch My Little Pony (xD) Listen to music 2/10 "I want to do a karaoke night!" Says Amy, jumping up and down. "Yeah, karaoke sounds fun.." Sonic nods his head in agreement."Let ___ choose!" Aurey turns to you.. Karaoke! Sonic you read my mind! Uh..I wanna go to bed Dx No! I want to watch My Little Pony! D:<If not MLP, then..anime x3 3/10 "Uh..karaoke..?" You reply. Sonic and Amy cheered. "Let's go! But first, we need to find you an outfit.." Aurey says, pushing you up the stairs and into her room. The colour theme was red, also a bit of black and some grey. She rummages through her closet, looking for clothes. Naw, I like white! and black, remind me of Shadow.. ^-^ Eugh, why the faker's colours? Blue is WAY better! 4/10 She pulls out three pieces of choose.. A blue dress with small blue high heels, with little dark bows on them. There is also a lighter blue bracelet and darker blue necklace (of any shape you want!) A white short sleeved top with a goldeny skirt, golden flats and a silver sparkly head band A red t-shirt with a dark denim jacket. denim jeans with black small heeled shoes. A red necklace 5/10 Whatever you picked, you went downstairs. All the boys grinned at you, however Amy looked a bit annoyed and jealous.Sonic grinned, Silver smiled, Shadow looked down, smiling ever so slightly though you couldn't REALLY see it Omg Sonic likes the look of me?! Suck on that Amy! Aw, Silver looks cute when he smiles ^//.//^ Shadow..smiled?! I..made him? I am AWESOME! 6/10 "Alrighty, let's go!" Sonic grabbed your hand and you all ran into town. O///O he grabbed my hand! Eek! Yay! Can't wait! Get this creep off of me! D: 7/10 You made it into town and you all walked inside the Karaoke Bar. Amy went up first, singing "My life would suck without You" By Kelly Clarkson. What do you do as she sings? Roll your eyes and talk to one of the boys Sing along Cheer for her Boo 8/10 Before she came off stage, she shouted into the mic. "This was dedicated for Sonic!" She giggles, blushes and skips off of the stage. Sonic facepalmed. No! My song is for Sonic! XD XD Faker is embarrassed! 9/10 It was your turn. You went onto the were you feeling? Nervous! Confident! I can sing really well! Shy! 10/10 You held the mic stand with a your hands and looked at the tv with the lyrics on. What do you sing? Break Free by Ariana Grande Bring Me to Life by Evanescence (I don't think I spelled her name right..sorry!) Smile by Avril Lavigne