Which Book Genre Are You? Discover your bookish personality with this fun quiz! Take this quiz to find out! remus2009 published on July 10, 2024 Stacked 1/5 What do you enjoy most when reading a book? Crying your heart out Learning something new Laughing out loud Solving a mystery Imagining yourself in a different world 2/5 Where is your favorite place to read? In a coffee shop Under a cozy blanket On a park bench At a comedy club In a quiet library 3/5 What is your preferred book length? Deep and emotional Long and detailed Light and easy Fast-paced and gripping Short and informative 4/5 What kind of protagonist do you root for? A deeply flawed character A clever detective A brave hero/heroine A witty troublemaker A real-life role model 5/5 How do you feel about plot twists? Love them, the more unexpected the better! Can't get enough of them! Prefer a straightforward narrative Prefer a predictable storyline Enjoy a good surprise