Which French Revolution Personage are you? Are you King Louis XIV, King Louis XVI, Robespierre, Marie Antoinette, or Napoleon Bonaparte? skylarderoo published on January 23, 2015 Stacked 1/8 If you got a new puppy, you would name it... Cupcake. (Your name) Junior. Buddy. Blayde. Ace. 2/8 When you go to the salon, you ask them to- Style your hair however they think is trendy. Do your hair exactly how you want, and if its not perfect they will face the consequences. Cut your hair so it is practical, simple and easy to manage. Do whatever they want. It will probably look okay. Make sure the cut and color doesn't conceal your natural beauty. 3/8 If someone cut in front of you in a long line, you would... Chop off their head. Say nothing and look away. Glare at them and plot revenge in your mind. Push them. They won't mess with you again. Say "Do you know who I am?" And hope they get the point. 4/8 What is your favorite food? Whatever you'll make me is great. Only the finest caviar. Anything and everything, but especially sweets. I'm not picky. A rare steak. 5/8 Pick a hobby. Sleeping. A physical sport. Cutting off heads. Looking in the mirror. ;) Eating. 6/8 If someone you trusted wronged you, you would... Forgive them. You don't need drama. They're not around to tell the story. Challenge them to a fight (or argument.) If they happen to win, you accept the loss. Buy something expensive to make them jealous. Ignore it. You're too fabulous to care. 7/8 Your spirit animal is a- Turtle. You like to go with the flow and are usually too slow to understand whats happening anyway. Fox. Because you are foxy. Vulture. Because if it was acceptable to corpses, you would. Lion. Roar. Pomeranian. ^_^ 8/8 Which is most important to you? Food. Money. Power. Personal achievement. I dunno...