What animal are you? (52) This is probably one of the most monotonous quizzes ever made - but I know you're curious :3 Nekohime published on December 08, 2015 Stacked 1/10 Oh no! Someone's bullying your bestie, you: Stand up for them Try not to get involved Go defend them after I finish eating this .. Focus on making sure my friend is ok Snap at the bully and hope they go away Try sort it out between the two Tell my friend to ignore them 2/10 Your friend's can describe you as: Always hungry Energetic Gentle Free Spirited Lazy Kind Loyal 3/10 Your favourite subject in school? Drama Art English Lunch Sport I hate school Politics or anything I can voice my opinion in 4/10 How do you take criticism I listen to it and improve from it All criticism annoys me I listen to it, but pick and choose what advice I pay attention to I'm very sensitive so I tend to get offended by criticism I don't listen to it I take it in but don't improve from it Depends who gives it to me 5/10 How do you handle hard times? Music By keeping positive I don't allow negativity in my life; so hard times aren't that often Being around those that care for me Pretending I'm ok (even if I'm not) Sleep on it Comfort eat 6/10 What's one thing you just CAN'T stand? Rude people Being sad Being forced to do something I don't want to do Upsetting/Disappointing people Not being in control Being tired Being hungry 7/10 What is a good environment for you? Any place LOUD !! Any place quiet :3 Any place with my friends In my bed under the covers (possibly on my phone ^_^) Any place free If it has free food I automatically like it Any place familiar 8/10 How often do (mean) things people say upset you? Always -.- Never - I don't let things get to me I don't get upset; I get angry Only when somethings really offensive People don't say mean things about me I try to focus on just the good things people say Depends on my mood 9/10 What do you like to do in your spare time? TV Hang out with friends Exercise Do something relaxing like draw or listen to music Go on adventures Sleep Eat :3 10/10 Your perfect place: The kitchen Park Anywhere quiet With friends Concert My bed Where the people are at