What Is Your Personality? (20) Determine your personality? Are you nice, eager, fun, outgoing? This quiz ony takes like five minutes. tr33star published on February 23, 2015 Stacked 1/18 Your at a party and you dont know anyone. what do u do? Make friends by being really nice and funny of course. Sit down somewhere and stay on your phone. Go back home and take a nap. 2/18 Your crush just asked you on a date you... Blurt out yes! He has been your crush for years now Hesitate and then go run in the bathroom. Say you have plans. When in reality your only plans are catching up on the latest tv shows 3/18 What is your favorite color anything neon black. purple 4/18 in class you mainly... talk to everyone and anyone sitting near you draw on your notebooks try not to fall asleep 5/18 your celeb crush is... any cute guy with abs ian somerhalder zac effron 6/18 your ideal pet is... a dog, so i can play with it and pet it a rabbit, they are so cute a fish, they dont require much work 7/18 your favorite place is... new york city anywhere where there isnt many people a spa 8/18 your favorite show is... Spongebob I like any show Pretty Little Liars The Vampire Diaries 9/18 At sleepovers you.... Run around the house screaming spend the night playing truth or dare spend the night on the couch watching movies 10/18 at parties you... Are the center of attention huddle in a group with your friends and talk sit down and play flappy bird 11/18 Your favorite character on Spongebob is... Spongebob, duh Squidward Patrick 12/18 Your favorite genre of movie is.... Comedy Horror Romance 13/18 the thing you do on your phone most is.... taking selfies playing games texting 14/18 one word to describe yourself would be.... Funny Responsible Tired 15/18 your fav type of clothing is... any type of clothing shoes pajamas 16/18 your fav online website is... omegle youtube netflix 17/18 your fav meal is... lunch dinner breakfast 18/18 how many friends do u have 3-6 8-16 To many to count!