What flavor of ice cream are you?

What flavor of ice cream are you?

I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream! But what flavor of ice cream? Having trouble deciding? This quiz determines which ice cream flavor best fits your personality. (Also it's my first quiz so pleeease rate 5 stars :D)

published on July 12, 2016

What clique did/do you fit into in high school?

What clique did/do you fit into in high school?
Jocks! Football is life!
Does "the normal kids" count?
I don't really believe in cliques.
The artists!
The cheerleaders who only got there because of their looks. Shh!
The immature people who don't give a #*!^ what people think
Nerds who have a 69.83% chance of earning more than the cliques mentioned above.

What do you want to do right now?

What do you want to do right now?
Draw something!
Is "narrowly escape the jaws of a shark" an option?
Take a computer quiz, obviously.
Hang out with my mates.
Eat ice cream! This quiz is already making me hungry!
Watch the Star Wars movies back to back to back!
Hmm, is there a party around here?

Congrats! You are a celebrity in Hollywood! But what got you there?

Congrats! You are a celebrity in Hollywood! But what got you there?
I am hot. Really, really hot.
My acting talents are amazing!
I made some paintings, and some people saw them. And by some people, I mean a LOT of people.
I'm a singer!
Well, I'm not famous per se, but I got in a few movies as a stunt double for somebody famous!
I got started by playing at nostalgia, and then my movie ideas got some good people in them.
Well, who else invented the app that forever crushed Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat?

Which positive term would you use to describe yourself?

Which positive term would you use to describe yourself?
Sexy ;)

Which animal is your favorite, of these?

Which animal is your favorite, of these?
I'm a fan of giraffes.
Dolphins, definitely!
Penguins for the win!
Monkey mayhem!
Hmm... probably crocodiles.
Chipmunks. So cute!

What's your favorite food EXCEPT ice cream.

What's your favorite food EXCEPT ice cream.
My favorite food is ice cream... but maybe dark chocolate! Mmmmmmm......
I like burgers.
I like cherries.
Something spicy.
Lobster, and other seafood.