Boundaries Personality Quiz (1) Discover your boundary-setting style in relationships! Take this quiz to find out! alina90 published on April 19, 2024 Stacked 1/11 How comfortable are you saying 'no'? Not comfortable at all Somewhat comfortable Very comfortable 2/11 Do you often find yourself overcommitting to others? Yes, all the time Occasionally Rarely 3/11 How do you feel when someone crosses your boundaries? Angry and resentful I don't mind Unsure how to react 4/11 Are you able to express your needs clearly in a relationship? Sometimes Rarely Always 5/11 How do you feel about setting boundaries with family members? Comfortable and necessary Can be difficult Avoid setting boundaries 6/11 How do you handle conflicts in relationships? Avoid conflicts at all costs Directly and openly Try to find a middle ground 7/11 Do you feel guilty when prioritizing your needs over others? Sometimes Rarely Often 8/11 How do you respond to passive-aggressive behavior in a relationship? Ignore it to avoid conflict Try to understand the underlying issues Address it directly 9/11 When do you tend to prioritize your own needs in a relationship? Sometimes, depending on the situation Rarely, if ever Consistently 10/11 How do you feel about receiving feedback on your boundaries? Neutral, depends on the feedback Defensive or resistant Open and receptive 11/11 Do you believe setting boundaries is essential for healthy relationships? Absolutely, without a doubt Somewhat, it varies Not really, it's not a priority